ISSN: 0024-1148 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE. 2016, No. 1, pp. 25-33


N. M. Kovaleva, R. S. Sobachkin
Forest Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Academgorodok 50 bldg. 28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia

Received 31 March 2015

Dynamics of species diversity, projective cover, and phytomass of ground vegetation as well as the regeneration of pine was monitored during 4 years after N-fertilization with carbamide (100-400 kg N ha-1 of primary nutrient) of middle-aged cowberry-herb-moss pine forest. We have found that carbamide application decreases the species diversity in grass-shrub story, plant species abundance of community, and projective cover of ground vegetation with amount of fertilizer. N-fertilization decreased the total phytomass of ground vegetation. Phytomass of grass-shrub story has been only 39% of the initial 4 years after the fertilization. Phytomass of mosses has doubled (from 24.7±6.4 to 48.5±5.7 g m-2) 4 years after minimal fertilization (100 kg N ha-1). However it remained unchanged at higher levels of fertilization (200-300 kg N ha-1). Maximal fertilizer application has inhibited the growth of moss cover, with minimal phytomass of the story reached (19.8±2.8 g m-2). Nitrogen fertilizer in amount of 100 kg N ha-1  has stimulated natural regeneration of pine. The young growth amount after 4 years of carbamide application was 4000 ha-1. Higher amounts of fertilizer have not had a significant effect on pine regeneration. We have found that N-fertilization is an effective method of assisted natural regeneration under the canopy of middle-aged pine stands on soddy-podzolic soils.

  • Keywords: pine forest, lower vegetation story, ground vegetation, regeneration, carbamide, nitrogen fertilizer.


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