ISSN: 0024-1148 Russian Journal of Forest Science. 2014, No. 3, pp. 65-73


S.Yu. Krasnobaeva
East European forest trial station, filial of the All-Russian research institute of silviculture and mechanization of forestry
Tovarishcheskaya st. 40, Kazan, 420097, Russia

Received 5 February 2013

39 climatic types of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) planted in 1976 in Zelenodolsk forest entity of Rupublic of Tatarstan were studied. Annual height and radial increments were examined in relation to climatic factors. According to sanitary state, growth peculiarities and adaptation to extreme climate factors the best, medium, and the worst climate types were figured out. The best ones, including Sumy, Moscow, Vladimir, Penza, Udmurtia, Novosibirsk climate types were recommended for reforestation.

  • Keywords: geographic plantation, pine, climate type, climate factor, increment index, variability, adaptation.


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