A. V. Seredyuk, N. V. Vyvodtsev

Pacific National University
Tikhookeanskaya st. 136, Khabarovsk, 680035, Russia

Received 24 October 2019
We studied the effect of stand density on the age of technical exploitability in natural oak stands growing in the European part of Russia and the Far East. We found that height, diameter and tree form factor are controlled by the stand density. The relationships were tight and described by quadric parabola for every of the three indicators. The coefficients of the regressions were linked to stand age and described analytically. The fitted equations became the basis of general mathematical models used to compile the table of growth for three different stand densities. The estimated yield differentiated by categories of commercial timber was controlled by the stand density. Maximal mean total increment of large and medium commercial wood was found in the stands with lower density. The age of technical exploitability of oak stands varied from 100 to 160 years. Our equations could be used to assign tree stands to a cut and design of the forest management measures.
Keywords: oak forests, standard norms, regression coefficients, combined equations, growth tables, mean increment, commercial wood, optimum age, technical exploitability.
DOI: 10.1134/S0024114819060093


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