P. Ya. Grabarnik1, V. N. Shanin1,2, O. G. Chertov3, I. V. Priputina1, S. S. Bykhovets1, B. S. Petropavlovskii4, P. V. Frolov1, E. V. Zubkova1, M. P. Shashkov1,5, G. G. Frolova1

1Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institutskaya st. 2, Pushchino, Moscow Oblast, 142290, Russia
2Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya st. 84/32 bldg. 14, Moscow, 117997, Russia
3University of Applied Sciences Bingen
Berlinstraße 109, 55411, Bingen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
4Botanical Garden-Institute, Far-East branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makovskii st. 142, Vladivostok, 690024, Russia
5Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS - the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Institutskaya st. 4, Pushchino, Moscow Oblast, 142290, Russia

Received 14 May 2018
The transition from an extensive to an intensive model of forestry and high attention paid to environmental problems when using natural resources calls for new scientific methods of assessment and prediction of resources and functions of forests in Russia. We analyzed the structure, capabilities and prospects of the main groups of mathematical models of forest ecosystems. Silvicultural growth-yield models are broadly used to simulate forest management regimes. The yield is calculated from the growth tables taking into account local light conditions. Process-based models rely on mechanisms and eco-physiological processes prescribed at some degree of detail. They are used to calculate an increment of biomass from simplified equations of photosynthesis and respiration, or from the empirical functions of net biological productivity. The combination of these models with soil models is a way to assess dynamics of soil organic matter, CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and availability of nitrogen for plants. Additionally, hydrothermal conditions and dynamics of grass and shrub layer can be calculated. Detailed individual-based spatially explicit models calculate growth of each tree having coordinates on the spatial grid, taking into account competition for light and soil resources. Forest models in general, and especially process models of ecosystems are science-based prediction methods which can be used to scientifically justify and make decisions on forest management.
Keywords: forest ecosystems, dynamic models, silvicultural models, soil models, process-based models.
Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant 18-14-00362 to P. Ya. Grabarnik, V. N. Shanin, I. V. Priputina, P. V. Frolov, E. V. Zubkova, M. P. Shashkov, G. G. Frolova). Section ‘’Models of heat and moisture regime of soils and ecosystems’’ was written by S. S. Bykhovets in the framework of the subject of the program of fundamental studies (project АААА-А18-118013190176-2).
DOI: 10.1134/S0024114819030033            


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